
#kotlinDevChallenge – 4

A Coordinates class and an infix extension operator function that operates on these Coordinates are given. Take a good look. Several funny operations can be performed on the vals a and b. What does the function infix operator fun Coordinates.plus allow us to do?

#kotlinDevChallenge – 3

Write a function that takes a natural number and returns its successive digits as a list (e.g., for the number 1234, it returns listOf(1, 2, 3, 4). Input: Long is a natural number – meaning it is non-negative. ps. Again – there are few ways to achieve that 🙂

#kotlinDevChallenge – 2

Second day of our challenge… This time you will face collections. Specifically, a list that has acquired duplicates. We don’t like duplicates. Let’s get rid of them! ps. Again – there are few ways to achieve that 🙂

#kotlinDevChallenge – 1

Your task is to modify the function so that it returns e.x <strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Kotlin is awesome and so called "birds" fly key</span></em></strong> if the input is birds. Note that the word “birds” is placed in quotation marks. How do you handle such a case with special characters? ps. There are few ways to achieve […]