Your task is to modify the function so that it returns e.x <strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Kotlin is awesome and so called "birds" fly key</span></em></strong>
if the input is birds
. Note that the word “birds” is placed in quotation marks. How do you handle such a case with special characters?
- Fill in the code.
- You can copy the code into IntelliJ/Android Studio, but it shouldn’t be necessary.
- Click “run” – the green triangle. The code will compile and several tests will be run.
- In the logs, you will see “try again” if the solution is incorrect, or “success” and a special code.
- Provide this code in the form below along with your email and click “send”.
- Solutions will be presented the next day on Instagram
ps. There are few ways to achieve that 🙂