
#kotlinDevChallenge – 11

Write a Kotlin function to parse CSV data provided as a string, and return the data in a structured format.

The CSV data will be provided as a single string, where each line represents a row and each value is separated by a comma. The function should parse this string and convert it into a List<Person>

test cases
  1. A simple CSV string.
  2. A CSV string with empty lines.
  3. A CSV string with different line endings.
  4. A CSV string with a missing element in one of the rows.
  1. Fill in the code.
  2. You can copy the code into IntelliJ/Android Studio, but it shouldn’t be necessary.
  3. Click “run” – the green triangle. The code will compile and several tests will be run.
  4. In the logs, you will see “try again” if the solution is incorrect, or “success” and a special code.
  5. Provide this code in the form below along with your email and click “send”.
  6. Solutions will be presented the next day on Instagram

more insights

Jarosław Michalik

#kotlinDevChallenge 2023 summary

The KotlinDevChallenge was not just a competition, but a journey of learning, growth, and community engagement. Every participant in this challenge is a winner in

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