private Discord channel
Engage with dev community in real-time

Mastermind sessions
2x a month we organize live mastermind for community members

Coroutines Testing Masterclass
Master testing Kotlin coroutines on Android with MockK and Kotest.
2h coding workshop with examples on Kotlin Flow, StateFlow in MVVM.

ChatGPT prompts collection
Boost you developer productivity. Over 40 prompts split into categories:
👤 Personal coding assistant
🎓 Act as a coding teacher
🚧 Act as a [manager]
📝 Act as a tech writer
🤔 Act as a sceptical tester
🤖 Act as an automation specialist
💡 Generating data and ideas

Intro to UI Testing with Maestro
Ever felt like writing Espresso tests is a Sisyphean labour?
It doesn’t have to be that way.
Dive into Maestro framework, making automated UI testing on mobile great again!

Analytics 101 for Android devs
Crash course for Android developers that not only teaches you how to plug in analytics SDK, but also:
👉 what to track
👉 how to structure events
👉 how to understand funnels
👉 how to monitor application performance (as a team or a solo dev)
This crash course will be useful both for devs working in teams and as a solo indie devs.
if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Jarek at jarek@androidpro.io