
Building assertions with Strikt

Strikt is assertion library built for Kotlin with API which allows building multi assertions and gives us readable assertion errors.

How to test a time-dependent coroutine

The issue Unit testing is the fastest way to check if some piece of our application works as we expect. But what if we have to test some features that strongly depend on time? Should we allow our tests execute for instance for few minutes? Of course we shouldn’t! In this blog post I will […]

Nested tests with Junit5

Nested tests in Junit5 allows us grouping test cases. Check how to do this in presenter tests.

Q & A from conferences 2020

Frequently Asked Questions – now I’m giving answers about things you’ve asked me on 2020 conferences.

Mocking and stubbing suspend functions with MockK

MockK over the years became my go-to library for mocking suspend functions. Its intuitive syntax and built-in coroutine support simplify testing asynchronous operations. With MockK, you can easily replicate complex behaviors of coroutine-based functions, ensuring tests are reflective of real-world scenarios.

Mock – fake version of an object used in testing to check how other parts of a program interact with it.

Stub – fake part of the program that always returns the same result.

This article will show you how to use both in testing Kotlin code with MockK.