
Nested tests with Junit5

Nested tests in Junit5 allows us grouping test cases. Check how to do this in presenter tests.

Q & A from conferences 2020

Frequently Asked Questions – now I’m giving answers about things you’ve asked me on 2020 conferences.

Mocking and stubbing suspend functions with MockK

MockK over the years became my go-to library for mocking suspend functions. Its intuitive syntax and built-in coroutine support simplify testing asynchronous operations. With MockK, you can easily replicate complex behaviors of coroutine-based functions, ensuring tests are reflective of real-world scenarios.

Mock – fake version of an object used in testing to check how other parts of a program interact with it.

Stub – fake part of the program that always returns the same result.

This article will show you how to use both in testing Kotlin code with MockK.

Testing time-based code with Joda Time

In some systems you sometimes need to record date or timestamp of given action. Good example could be comments system, where each comment has timestamp: In our experiment we will perform two test cases: So how can we manipulate time in unit test? Inject time provider to system under test That’s probably the most desirable […]